Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day/Singles Awareness Day (SAD)

Happy Valentine's Day! Or for those of you who are on the other side of the coin, Happy SAD day. I guess I am technically in a relationship, however it seems like I could celebrate SAD, since I will be in class this evening and my boyfriend will be at work until after 9:00 p.m.
None the less I have treated myself to a gift from Victoria Secret, that should be arriving this evening, to brighten my day! Now I know what you are thinking...A gift from VS? On Valentines Day? Doesn't this seem more like a present for your significant other?
Well I highly doubt that a sweatsuit from the PINK line, will benefit Brennon in anyway. Either way,
 I am really excited.
So that would be my advice for any individual, single or not, treat yourself to something you want today! That way you can get exactly what YOU want with no disappointment.

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